yogurt | Queen City Dental Arts https://www.queencitydentist.com Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:54:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 What Is Your Mouth’s Love Language? https://www.queencitydentist.com/what-is-your-mouths-love-language/ Wed, 14 Feb 2024 07:51:22 +0000 https://www.queencitydentist.com/?p=668 It’s the time of year when we show love to all of our friends and family by giving them cards, flowers, chocolates … however you show them that you care. But what do you do to show your mouth love? Well, there are lots of things that you can do to show your mouth that [...]

The post What Is Your Mouth’s Love Language? first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

It’s the time of year when we show love to all of our friends and family by giving them cards, flowers, chocolates … however you show them that you care. But what do you do to show your mouth love? Well, there are lots of things that you can do to show your mouth that you care.

1) Brush: It seems obvious, but it isn’t as easy as it sounds. Dr. Stenvall recommends that we all brush our teeth for a full two minutes, twice a day, every day. It doesn’t matter if you have a manual toothbrush or a fancy electric toothbrush. As long as they are used properly, both can do a good job. Make sure to angle the bristles at a 45-degree angle towards the gum line and get the front and back of every tooth.

2) Floss: It may not be everyone’s love language, but it doesn’t mean it’s not important. We recommend flossing daily. It can be in the morning or at night, in the shower, in front of the TV, whatever is easier for your routine that makes it something that you will remember to do! C-shape flossing is the best (flossing down the sides of each tooth), but if you only have floss picks, they are better than not flossing at all. Believe it or not, if you aren’t flossing, you’re actually not cleaning one-third of the surface of your teeth. People who do not floss regularly are at higher risk of getting cavities between their teeth.

3) Fluoride: Dr. Stenvall recommends using a toothpaste that has fluoride in it. The outer part of the tooth, or enamel, uses fluoride to re-mineralize, so if you are consistently exposing your teeth to fluoride, weakened areas of the enamel can actually go away. Some mouthwashes have fluoride in them as well; look on the bottle for ones that say “fluoride rinse.” Not all “antiseptic rinses” are created equal.

4) Regular checkups: We recommend that everyone come in for routine checkups every six months (3-4 months if you have ever had periodontal treatment). Even if everything is feeling fine, there may be issues starting that need to be addressed. Dr. Stenvall always recommends being proactive rather than reactive. If there’s an issue that can be fixed early, it’s always better to have a small filling than to end up with pain once the cavity gets larger.

5) A healthy diet: Try to limit the number of snacks and time spent sipping throughout the day. We know that a caffeinated drink in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up is critical in surviving some days, but try not to sip them for hours. The more often we eat or drink, the more acidic the environment of our mouth is, and the more susceptible to decay are your teeth. Healthy snacks are those that don’t get stuck in our teeth, like fruit, vegetables, nuts, cheese and yogurt. Things that are sticky and sweet or things like chips and cookies that can get lodged between your teeth will be more likely to cause cavities. Of course, water is always the best option as far as drinks are concerned.

We often forget to love ourselves when it comes to showing love to the important people in our lives but remember that, through some simple steps, you are showing yourself love by taking care of your oral health. If you ever have any concerns, Dr. Meghan Stenvall and the Queen City Dental Arts team are always here to help!

The post What Is Your Mouth’s Love Language? first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

Back to School Tips for Dental Health https://www.queencitydentist.com/back-to-school-tips-for-dental-health/ Mon, 04 Sep 2023 06:00:30 +0000 https://www.queencitydentist.com/?p=549 As the hot days of August come to an end and we start to notice chilly nights and cooler mornings, we start thinking about the change to fall and back to school! We understand that schedules and routines go out the window during the summer, with non-existent bedtimes and meals and snacks whenever. It is [...]

The post Back to School Tips for Dental Health first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

As the hot days of August come to an end and we start to notice chilly nights and cooler mornings, we start thinking about the change to fall and back to school! We understand that schedules and routines go out the window during the summer, with non-existent bedtimes and meals and snacks whenever. It is important to get your child’s teeth back to school ready and to get back into the routine of brushing and flossing regularly. We have a few tips to help the transition back to school go a little smoother.

It is important that your child gets back to brushing their teeth twice a day for two minutes. Two minutes is a long time! To make it easier for kids, we recommend playing one of their favorite songs, that is about the same amount of time, to help them gauge the 2-minute time frame. Flossing is just as important for kids as it is for adults. Supervise your kids when they floss the first few times to make sure they aren’t damaging their gums. Don’t forget that toothbrushes should be swapped out for a new one every three months. Back to school is a good time to start fresh!

If you pack your child’s lunch, make sure you are including food and drinks that promote dental health. Since most kids can’t brush their teeth after lunch while they’re at school, try to avoid sugary and sticky foods, such as candy, cookies and fruit snacks. Those foods will sit on your kids’ teeth all afternoon. Avoid sodas and sugary juice – it’s always best to stick to water. Good snacks to pack would include raw vegetables, celery with peanut butter, string cheese, yogurt and non-sweetened applesauce.

Make sure that you and your family are scheduled for your regular dental cleanings. It’s always easier to have them on the calendar before the homework, projects, and extracurriculars kick in. We all know how busy this time of year can be, but know that all of us at Queen City Dental Arts are here to help get your child’s smile back-to-school ready!


The post Back to School Tips for Dental Health first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.
