dental team | Queen City Dental Arts Mon, 13 May 2024 14:50:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A Beautiful, Furry And Heartfelt Showcase For National Pet Week Mon, 13 May 2024 06:24:27 +0000 We may only take care of human teeth here at QCDA, but we do love our furry friends as well! Many of us have pets of our own at home, and we know how much a part of the family they can be! In honor of National Pet Week, we decided to showcase some of [...]

The post A Beautiful, Furry And Heartfelt Showcase For National Pet Week first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

We may only take care of human teeth here at QCDA, but we do love our furry friends as well! Many of us have pets of our own at home, and we know how much a part of the family they can be! In honor of National Pet Week, we decided to showcase some of our team’s favorite fur babies.

Dr. Stenvall is a self-proclaimed cat lady and has two 13-year-old kitties at home. Boo Radley and Achilles are brothers and were adopted by Dr. Stenvall when she was living in Philadelphia, PA. Boo and Achilles have gone through multiple moves with Dr. Stenvall, and they have always been good sports in adjusting to all kinds of new environments, including the addition of a human baby to the family in 2022. Favorite activities include eating treats, naps on the sofa and getting lots of petting.

Kristin and her family are dog lovers! They have two dogs, Tebow and Suzie. Tebow is a 12-year-old lab/pointer mix they have had since he was rescued at eight months old. He is known as the neighborhood mascot.

Suzie joined our family last year and is an 11-year-old Chiweenie. She brings so much laughter and fun to the family!

Ebony and her kids have an energetic four-legged family member. Dash is a 5-year-old Bichon Frise. He is very loving and loves belly rubs. Dash’s favorite thing to do is lay in the sun. He also enjoys having food snuck to him by the kids.

Linda loves her golden doodle, Eevee. She is a sweet, energetic, people-friendly dog. She became a member of Linda’s family on her daughter’s sweet 16! Eevee loves treats, playing fetch and giving high five’s. At the end of the day, she cuddles on the sofa. Eevee is an amazing companion and brings so much love and joy to my home!

Our Queen City Dental Arts dentist and team are excited to share our fur families with you and welcome you to call us at 704-542-6533 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Meghan Stenvall in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The post A Beautiful, Furry And Heartfelt Showcase For National Pet Week first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning, Dental Edition Mon, 04 Mar 2024 07:52:17 +0000 It’s that time of year again! Clean the baseboards, change the air filters, vacuum under your bed… and re-invigorate your dental regimen! Here are a few easy tips for keeping up with spring cleaning for your mouth. Spring Clean Your Smile 1) Replace your toothbrush: That cool new toothbrush that you got in your stocking [...]

The post The Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning, Dental Edition first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

It’s that time of year again! Clean the baseboards, change the air filters, vacuum under your bed… and re-invigorate your dental regimen! Here are a few easy tips for keeping up with spring cleaning for your mouth.

Spring Clean Your Smile

1) Replace your toothbrush: That cool new toothbrush that you got in your stocking this Christmas… it’s time to toss it. It is recommended that you change your toothbrush every 3-4 months. The same applies if you have an electric toothbrush; make sure you are using a new brush head every 3-4 months as well. Bristles wear out over time, and they are not as effective after a few months. Also, if you or your children get sick, it is recommended to replace your toothbrush once you or your kids are feeling better. No need to keep those germs around any longer than necessary!

2) Clean your Nightguard/Denture/Retainer Cases: You probably are good at rinsing your retainer or nightguard or denture/partials daily after you take them out, but what about the case they sit in? Make it a habit periodically to scrub bacteria and debris out of the case. The wet environment is a great place for bacteria to hang out, which then ends up on your appliance and in your mouth. Yuck!

3) Get your dentures/partials and night guards cleaned: It’s great to use soap and water on your appliances on a regular basis, but there still is probably bacteria that stick behind and need a professional solution to remove. Bring your removable appliances to our office, and the Queen City Dental Arts team can use a strong solution and the ultrasonic cleaner here in our office that will get the rest of that stubborn grime off.

4) Make sure you have your dental cleaning scheduled: It’s easy to lose track of time so we always try to schedule our patients for their next cleaning when they are here for their regular cleaning. This way it is on the calendar in advance. But if it’s been a while since you’ve had a regular cleaning and exam, it is never too late to get back on the wagon. Call our office today, and we will get you in for your checkup to look for cavities or other problems that might be starting.

Call Today

Our professional team at Queen City Dental Arts knows that this is a busy time of year for everyone, but don’t forget these simple dental tips to keep your spring cleaning list on track! We welcome you to give us a call today at 704-542-6533 to schedule your dental cleaning in Charlotte, North Carolina with our dedicated dentist, Dr. Meghan Stenvall.


The post The Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning, Dental Edition first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

Merry Christmas From Queen City Dental Arts Mon, 04 Dec 2023 07:14:56 +0000 ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house I couldn’t find my toothbrush … was it taken by my spouse??? The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. In hopes that maybe I’ll get a new Sonicare! And I need some more floss, all tied up with a bow, So the fact [...]

The post Merry Christmas From Queen City Dental Arts first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
I couldn’t find my toothbrush … was it taken by my spouse???
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
In hopes that maybe I’ll get a new Sonicare!
And I need some more floss, all tied up with a bow,
So the fact that mine has been empty for months, my hygienist won’t know!
I promise myself that I will keep my teeth healthy this year,
So going to the dentist isn’t something I fear.
Maybe they’ll tell me I need a new crown.
Well, that’s ok, I’ll have the best smile in town!
Dr. Stenvall and her team really are not all that frightening.
I even enjoyed my appointment for in-office whitening!
I heard them exclaim as I was finishing my Zoom,
“We love our patients, we’ll see you again soon!”

Well, that may not be exactly how we remember the famous Christmas poem, but you get the idea! However it is said, we would like to wish you and your family a wonderful, healthy holiday season. Our team at Queen City Dental Arts looks forward to seeing you and your smiling faces in 2024!

The post Merry Christmas From Queen City Dental Arts first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

Sports Drinks: How Good Are They? Mon, 29 May 2023 17:33:23 +0000 You get up early to get in a work-out before your kids wake up and start the hectic morning routine to get out the door.  Then you’re at work for 8 hours before you drive to sports practices, make dinner and do all the other things required of your day before you finally fall into [...]

The post Sports Drinks: How Good Are They? first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.

You get up early to get in a work-out before your kids wake up and start the hectic morning routine to get out the door.  Then you’re at work for 8 hours before you drive to sports practices, make dinner and do all the other things required of your day before you finally fall into bed just to do it again the next day.  It’s no wonder many of us turn to energy drinks to get us through the day!

Studies actually show that young adults are the highest consumers of energy drinks, with 34% of males between the age of 18 and 24 drinking energy drinks on a regular basis.  While they do provide a quick boost of energy, they also can wreak havoc on teeth.  Many energy drinks contain a high amount of sugar. Some contain up to 55 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 14 teaspoons of sugar, and almost twice as much as the recommended daily allowance! Any food that contains sugar will contribute to tooth decay and the more frequently your teeth are exposed to sugar, the risk of decay increases.  So if you’re someone who sips on energy drinks or drinks multiple energy drinks in one day, remember that you’re increasing the risk of getting cavities!

Energy drinks, even the sugar free varieties, are also highly acidic.  By creating an acidic environment, energy drinks cause the protective enamel layer of teeth to be more susceptible to eroding.  When the enamel is damaged or weakened, teeth are more prone to bacteria creating cavities, which can ultimately cause sensitivity and pain.

The best solution is not to drink energy drinks at all, but if you do, make sure you limit yourself to one.  Drinking some water afterwards can help to reduce the sugar and acid on your teeth as well.  Chewing sugar-free gum after you drink an energy drink can also help to promote saliva production, thereby protecting your teeth.

Dr. Stenvall and the Queen City Dental Arts team in Charlotte, NC, are always ready to answer your questions about energy drinks and the health of your teeth.  Please give us a call today at 704-542-6533 with your questions and concerns. We are here to help you maintain your healthy, beautiful smile!

The post Sports Drinks: How Good Are They? first appeared on Queen City Dental Arts.
